



Quote Number QUO-29
Quote Date August 31, 2023
Total ₹121,000.00
Business Owner

Below charges are exclusive of Domain. Domain has to be in your control as it is a brand.

Quote = Time involved + Effort involved

If you would like to enrol into specific services you can choose the specific one. Everything below is optional regardless of development.

I will also provide free consultation on marketing and technology whenever required.

Made SEO free of cost.

Time to develop : 30 - 45 Days

Website Includes

1. Clean and Intuitive design

2. Supports large devices to smaller devices

3. Optimized for Search Engine Optimisation ( Google Search )

4. On Page SEO

5. Clean and Best Coding standard

6. Good loading experience

7. Optimization of images for best performance

8. Google Map integration

9. High Quality Premium Copyright free images used and no additional charges

10. Providing additional security through security plugins

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 E-Commerce Website Development - Wordpress CMS

Will set up the hosting, Install WordPress and below are the ecommerce functionalities

Ecommerce Functionalities

For Customers

Browse Products
Signup/Login to the platform
Add Products to Cart
Add Products to Wishlist
Place an order
Dashboard for the Customer
Profile for the Customer
Orders management
Products filter option
Product sort option
Product Quick View
Compare products
Grid / list view of products
Share product on Social Media

For Owner

Unlimited addition of products
Payment gateway integration for checkout
Unlimited Categories of products
Customer Management
Order Management
Coupon management for Marketing
Dashboard of sales
Order status management
Email notifications on Orders
Shipping option
Product Analytics
Sales Analytics
About Page
Terms & Condition page
Contact Us Page

(Price is exclusive of addition of products)

Why Wordpress?

Highly Scalable, Can add and deploy features easily in the future.
Search Engine Optimisation friendly. Google ranks our page in shorter time.
Safe and Secure platform.
It powers 43% of websites in the world
It's Opensource.

1 Web Hosting Yearly

What is Web Hosting?

Website files are placed here in the hosting so that outside people can view the website.

Website involves 3 things
1. Domain
2. Web Hosting
3. Website files (Website development)

Domain needs to be mapped to web hosting which has the website development files. So whenever people visit the website the contents from the web hosting gets displayed to the people.

1 Annual Maintenance Charges Yearly (Optional)

Why need to go for maintainance and whats included?

Wordpress developers releases updates and security patches which we need to update from time to time (Every month) to stay updated.
Non updating of core wordpress files leads to security vulnerabilities.
Service also includes updating themes and plugins apart from core wordpress.
Updating themes and plugins again save us from security vulnerabilities.
Updating themes and plugins let us to use updated features offered by them.
During update website might break or website may crash, Its our responsibility to bring it back to normal.

1 On Page SEO

Making the website google SEO Friendly

1 Corporate Mail Configuration

Involves only the configuration that is creating email accounts and not includes subscription charges.

Sub Total ₹121,000.00
Tax ₹0.00
Total ₹121,000.00